December 17, 2019

Major release DATPROF Privacy

Synthetic test data generators

Sometimes masking privacy sensitive data, shuffling or blurring data is not enough. In these cases specific personal data must be replaced with synthetically generated test data. Names, companies, IBANs, social security numbers, etc. can be replaced with synthetic test data. In 4.0, DATPROF Privacy now offers lots of new functions that users can implement directly within their template. The new “Generate” function offers more than 20 new synthetic test data generators that can be used to replace privacy sensitive data.

As of today a new major version of DATPROF Privacy is available for download. During the last couple of months we have developed lots of new features.

Synthetic Test Data generators

Basic generators

Random string
Random date / time
Random number
Random decimal number
Sequential numbers
Random Names (Country / Language specific and can be easily extended by the user)


Company (German / Netherlands / French / USA)
Male First name (German / Netherlands / French / USA)
Female First name (German / Netherlands / French / USA)
Last name (German / Netherlands / French / USA)
Location (Country / Language specific and can be easily extended)
Country Code (ISO 2 Letter standard)
Country Code (ISO 3 Letter standard)
City (German / Netherlands / USA)
Street (German / Netherlands / French / USA)
Country (German / Netherlands / French / USA)


BSN (Dutch Social Security Number)
IBAN (all countries)
Currency Code
Currency Symbol


Random value from seed file (Pick values from a custom CSV seed file)
Regular expression (Generate values based on a regular expression)
Weighted list (Generate values based on distribution, for example 40% Men, 60% Female).

The best part is that all these new features are directly available for all supported databases! You don’t have to worry about building database specific functions to replace privacy sensitive data. Also more generators, language packs and seed lists are coming in the future.

A new way of deploying templates (bonus: direct deployment for PostgreSQL)

The last couple of years we have spent a considerable amount of time in creating a more flexible way of generating Privacy and Subset templates. This should help us implement new databases more faster, change existing code generators more easy and enable the new synthetic test data functions. This deployment method is already used to generate Runtime packages and is now the default way of deploying code to your database directly from DATPROF Privacy. The 3.x deployment mode is still available for some time and can be activated in the Project -> Use legacy deployment menu. The synthetic test data features requires the new deployment method or DATPROF Runtime.
Another great benefit is that the new deployment mode also makes it possible to execute templates build for PostgreSQL directly from DATPROF Privacy.

Important: When generating Runtime applications with DATPROF Privacy 4.0, Runtime 3.20 or higher is required.

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DATPROF Privacy free trial

Enable test teams with high quality masked production data and synthetically generated data for compliance.