Test data consistency
Case study of a government agency
This case study shows how our software has helped a government agency, that would like to remain anonymous, with their test data consistency issues. By masking and subsetting their test data, it became easier and faster to make test sets available.
A government agency that likes to remain anonymous
This client would like to remain anonymous. The organizations has around 2.500 employees and pays a total of around 40 billion euros a year to certain funds. Other details have been omitted to ensure anonymity.
A high degree of complexity in databases
Our client had the challenge of many interdependencies between different schemas. This made it difficult to get test data consistent, certainly in the case of synthetic test data. Because of this complexity, our client was actually forced to use copies of production. Naturally, this led to problems with the protection of personal and privacy sensitive data and to problems with the size of test environments. These immediately became quite large.
Anonymize and subset DB2
Our client chose to keep the implementation of subsetting and anonymization “small”, so that possible results could be achieved quickly. For that reason, it was decided to start with a central schema (application) and then expand it further with adjacent schemas.
After this was realized, the anonymized subsets of the database could be offered for developing and testing. The realization of the subset and anonymization templates went reasonably smoothly. The entire process of making test data smartly available took a little longer, around 6 to 12 months.
Faster and easier availability of test sets
An important advantage for our client is that with the use of DATPROF they can use templates quickly. This means that the DATPROF applications can be run multiple times. In this way an anonymous subset can be created instantly.
Subsetting has made it easier and faster to make test sets available. Provisioning of test data is more successful, which means that testing can be done better and faster.