Data Masking in DB2

Looking for the fastest and easiest data masking tool for DB2?

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  • Supporting DB2 LUW 10.5 and above, DB2 for iSeries 7.2 and 7.3
  • High performance on large data sets
  • Automate Data Masking in CI/CD pipelines
  • Including Synthetic Data Generation
  • Preserve data characteristics
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What is data masking in DB2

Data obfuscation or data masking is an imortant part of your DB2 test data management (TDM). When you have personally identifiable information (PII), anonymization of this privacy sensitive data is an important aspect of the data protection inside your DB2 databases. Since you can’t use PII in your CI/CD pipeline, this data needs to be hidden in some way. First you need to detect where sensitiv data is stored. For this you can use a data discovery tool. When you know in which tables, columns or rows the PII is, you know which data needs to be masked and secured. Doing nothing is not an option anymore: security is one of the most important aspects in software development.


Data masking tools DB2

DB2 databases are used most by enterprises with large and complex databases. These databases mostly contain privacy sensitive data – and not just in one table. Most data interrelates with data in other columns, tables or even other databases. This makes it very hard to anonymize the data, keeping the data both technical and functional consistent.

DATPROF Privacy has proved to be a realible DB2 database masking tool, supporting all major relational (sql) databases natively, DB2 included. It can be used to mask data consistently over a chain of databases/applications. Anonymize, scramble or generate synthetic data with this most user-friendly data masking tool there is for DB2 users. Data characteristics, relastionships and formats are preserved while the original data is obfuscated so you can create a masked environment containing logical, realistic and useful data.


How to do data masking in DB2

Define masking rules on and apply synthetic data rules for tables and columns that contain PII data. A good data masking tool for DB2 assists you in building a masking template easily and quickly. You can execute and reuse the template with the push of a button (or automated in your DB2 CI/CD Pipeline with our TDM portal DATPROF Runtime). Sensitive information like social security number, IBAN and other production data is replaced with random numbers, generated values or any other anonymized data within a few mouse clicks.


DB2 data masking example

Watch our technical product demonstration to see a DB2 data masking tutorial. DATPROF Privacy can connect directly to your DB2 database to mask and generate data. Some commonly used masking and generation techniques in DB2 are shown in this demo. Download your 14 day free trial to see the data masking result in your own database!

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Enable test teams with high quality masked production data and synthetically generated data for compliance.

Native support for DB2

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TDM Platform

The right test data in the right place at the right time. Masked, generated, subsetted, virtualized and automated at the push of a button.